martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

ICT's Project

Small business

Problem description
One of the biggest problems in marketing is in small business because they do not know how to make successful the company.
Create the business plan and its needs as the adequate staff, strategies, ideas, creativity and advices taking care to not fail.
The director needs to invert just the necessary resources for advertisement. Inspire people to be customers, consumers and keep them.
Distribute the necessary time with employees roles.

Start using software is a great idea for leaving the use of spreadsheets or notebooks to keep track of the business finances. It is time to upgrade to the accounting practices. With today’s accounting programs, the company can track expenses, auto-import transactions from the bank account into specific categories, create detailed expense reports, manage payroll, calculate taxes, and much more.
Take advantage of apps simplifies business management which allows to keep track of billable time for specific contracts, immediately upload receipts and assign them to different expense accounts, track mileage, bill clients, and more. Anything that can help to manage the reporting and expense tracking will help to expedite the tax process.
Application description:

The purpose of this project is to administrate all employees and the resources of the company correctly avoiding losses, make the work easier to execute and to achieve the company be known by all the possible customers or consumers of it.
A very important purpose is to create the product or the services that will be offered to the audience.
To employ capacitated people for each area for avoiding mistakes and help in all the needs into of the company.
To plan how to speak to other companies that could contribute and make deals with the company to expand it as an aim.
The main purpose is to profit to the customers and the company equally avoiding complains solving problems as soon as they appear.

To success in a small business using plans, administration and employee’s work in the simplest way with the lower possibility to fail, thanks to a program that simplifies all the steps to develop the business depending of its services as helping people or offering a product.

eMagister RRHH is a package of human resource management that emphasizes training and development plans of employees.
The assistant eMagister helps from the first moment to enter the information of the company, starting with the personal data of employees, their professional profile, CV, salary and associated costs.
eMagister organizes all reports in tabs. In addition to the list of employees, you can generate graphs remuneration, consult the chart or compare the profile of knowledge of a job with your employees to verify their suitability.
The very extensive database eMagister competencies including complete integration with eMagister page, perfect to find schools and courses related to the needs of the workforce.

Wide range of knowledge
Data export to Excel
Editor organizational charts
Summary reports and graphs

Long installation
Expensive premium version
An old version demo 
 Joseph, C.  Advantages and disadvantages of a computerized accounting system for small businesses. Demand Media. Houston, Texas.

Junior, L. (July 29, 2009) Gestión de Recursos humanos. Aplicaciones para empresas.

Mielach, D. (November 25, 2011) BusinessNewsDaily Staff Writer .

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016

The use of ICT on Languages 3

Processes, Performance Drivers and ICT Tools in Human Resources Management

In order to be able to act appropriately in this new role, HR managers are highly dependent on correctly setup processes (i.e. “sets of activities, transforming a set of inputs to a set of outputs (goods or services) in order to fulfill other peoples’ or processes’ needs, using specific actors and tools” (Řepa, 2007)). This rationale is based on the currently predominant process ap-proach to management, presented among others by Kaplan and Norton (1996). In accordance with the above listed definitions from Armstrong (2009) and additional hints from Marques (2010) and Brooks (2006), we consider HR managers to be accountable and/or responsible for the following business processes:

·         Oreparing and reviewing capacity planning, interviewing and recruiting, managing personnel evidence, instituting programs for retention and growth (job trainings, certifications),
·         Journal of Competitiveness | Issue 2/20110
·         Setting up motivation programs (including management of benefits), evaluating employee efficiency, establishing tools and guidance for management reviews, designing administrative and supportive processes, outplacement and discharge.

Firstly, a modern approach to HR management was characterized, and, on its basis, a set of business processes, commonly handled by today’s HR managers, was defined. Following the identification of main fields of HR management responsibilities, a concept of performance drivers was introduced as an instrument to indicate areas with performance improvement potential. 

This article presented authors’ contemporary insight to processes, performance drivers and ICT tools in human resources management.
A set of generic performance drivers, governed by HR managers, was identified later on, providing answer to the first research question: support of advanced strategic decision-making tools and simplification of administrative were indicated among the best candidates for HR-driven performance improvement in any and all organizations.

The results of con-ducted survey confirmed the latter performance driver, but also indicated that from practical perspective, HR activities related to internal communication are very important. The fact that support of strategic decision making tools was not so highly appraised is in our opinion caused by lower ambition level and prevailing down-to-earth approach to HR management in Czech companies.


Translator's workstation​ document production, managing terminology, storing and retrieving segments of previously translated text, and automated translation.​
Locke cities: Budgeting, pricing, and hardware and software acquisition.​
Austermühl's ‘process-orientated’ view of the translator's workstation.​ translation as a business’ as well as translation ‘as a linguistic and cultural process’.
Covering general-purpose software, translation-specific software, other specialised software (financial management packages), web-based language resources, online tolos and communications technologies.
The use of ICT by UK freelance translators is a timely and relevant subject of inquiry, given the high proportion of the translator community now working on a freelance basis.​

The results of a statistical analysis suggest that general-purpose software applications are widely used, but there is less evidence of translation-specific tools being adopted.


‘learning to live together’, ‘learning to do’, and ‘learning to be’​

The successful integration of ICT into the classroom will depend on the ability of teachers to structure the learning environment in new ways, to merge new technology with a new pedagogy, to develop socially active classrooms, encouraging co-operative interaction, collaborative learning and group work.

2.     How ICTs sopport? selecting and applying basic tools​:
3.     Given a specific learning activity, identify the required hardware and devices​
Use the internet and browsers to support learning activities
Using ICT to create and manage students’ collaborative, project-based learning.​
The teacher:
·         Selects or creates suitable software and resources​
·         Uses ICT to communicate and collaborate​
·         Uses ICT to manage and monitor student projects.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

Technology and Jobs: Should Workers Worry?

Technology and Jobs: Should Workers Worry?

For centuries, people have worried that new technologies will destroy jobs without creating enough new ones, and every time the doomsayers have been proven wrong. But today, with disruptive advances occurring at dizzying speed, some worry that the time may finally have come when more jobs are destroyed by technology than are created. One 2013 report by Oxford University researchers concluded that 47 percent of U.S. jobs are threatened by automation. Should workers be worried, or is the fear overblown? Is technology - from robots to intelligent digital agents - our friend or a threat? If the latter, what do we need to do to ensure employment by the middle class and others? How can we reorganize our business and economic system to avert more economic turmoil?

This video comments how computers have become in many fields more efficient than humans. thanks to the development of technology, that in twenty years most of the work could be replaced by robots. I think that's wrong, because what actually seeks to do with technology is to create more effective ways of working and with less human labor required not creating in someway somebody to do the work that a human can do. Even though those processes are not created or configured yet. Nowadays, no robot can develop own capacity and reason to unforeseen situations .For example, customer services by phone or internet, we can now perform these tasks without a person and by ourselves thanks to computers. On the issue of marketing something similar happens. You don´t need someone to do the job for you, thanks to the internet and social networks is something that actually we can do.

If we have someone who know how to think by him/herself and have reasons capacity why creating somthing that is not possible to work and it could costs a lot of money? It's just absurd.